List of topics

Last revised: May 09, 2002

Topic Software
I. Getting started

Navigating our network;
Orientation to MS FrontPage: opening a web; saving a page; adding a graphic, making an internal hyperlink, making an external link

MS FrontPage

Windows Explorer

II. Controlling the look of a page

Size: what is a pixel? using tables and margins;

Backgrounds: page, table, cell; colors and image files 

MS FrontPage

III. Site construction

Identification of components;

Getting around your site; Accommodating linear and non-linear browsing

MS FrontPage

IV. Using Fonts, Images, Links and Tables

Fonts and font families; relative and absolute links;

MS FrontPage

V. Working with Images

Image size, resolution, opacity; Cropping, touch-up, collage;

layers; text + image

Adobe Photoshop Elements

  Special topics


MS FrontPage

Frames and windows

Making animated GIF's

FrontPage Objects


Using Media

Applets, etc