Spanish House

Sp 26,  otoño de 2003

(martes 7-8 pm)

Jordan House Spanish Living Room


Instructores: Julie Hempel, Nicolás Gascue
Despacho: AD 309 Horas de consulta: mar 1:30-2:30, miér 10-11, jue 11-12
Teléfono: 2495

Buzón: 61599




In this course, students will further develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing along with a deeper understanding of the Spanish speaking world.  The unique opportunity to improve oral and comprehension skills in the immersion environment of the Jordan House sets the priority of listening and speaking activities in this course.  Throughout the semester, we will also increase our knowledge of the Spanish speaking world by exploring Latino Popular Culture.  During the fall semester we will concentrate on U.S. Latino groups, and in the spring the focus will turn to Spanish America.




A.  Participación en clase y almuerzos


B.  Presentaciones y proyectos



A  = 94 – 100              B-  = 80 – 82                        D+  = 67 - 69

A- = 90 – 93               C+ = 77 – 79                        D    = 63 - 66

B+ = 87 – 89               C   = 73 – 76                        D-   = 60 - 62

B   = 83 – 86               C-  = 70 – 72                        F     = 0 - 59

A. La participación y la asistencia (50%)

Your contributions to this class are important and valued.  Think of yourself not only as a student but also as a teacher who can bring your own particular knowledge and experience to the table.  The guidelines here are written with this principle in mind. 


Class and lunch table attendance is essential to developing speaking and comprehension skills.  Thus, you are expected to attend every class as well as the Spanish lunch table three times a week.   Repeated tardiness will be counted as absences (3 tardies = 1 absence).  Any absence that is not deemed “warranted” by the professor will result in 20 points subtracted from your attendance grade.  Warranted absences include: participation in an official Austin College athletic or other event, a serious illness, or some other unavoidable circumstance beyond the student's control (such circumstances must be documented and are deemed serious at the discretion of the instructors).   


Not only must you be present for class, you also need to be prepared.  This means you should have studied and prepared the material on the syllabus for that day before coming to class (all films and videos on the syllabus are to be viewed before class). 


Languages are learned through constant exposure and practice!!  You will receive a participation grade every three weeksDuring classroom discussion, both speaking and listening skills are important. If you are someone who is more on the talkative side, that is good, but also concentrate on listening.  If you are someone who is better at listening, that is also good, but concentrate on speaking.  Your rapport with your classmates is important.  You need to listen respectfully when a classmate is speaking, but you should also feel free to disagree with any comments that are generated.  Unless otherwise indicated, all classroom conversations as well as all conversations in the common areas of the house should take place in Spanish.  Repeated use of English defeats the purpose of the house and will result in a 20+ deduction from your participation grade.  Moreover, failure to be on task, disengagement, and disruptive behavior will count as negative participation.   


Often, students who consider themselves quiet individuals are shy about speaking in class.  If this sounds like you, please keep in mind that the ability to speak in group situations is a learned skill.  Consider this class an opportunity to push your boundaries, challenge yourself, and practice for entering the workforce.  Your ability to communicate your ideas orally will be an important skill in almost any career you choose.


B. Las Presentaciones y los Proyectos (50%)

In addition to group activities during class, you will be required to organize, write, rehearse, and present three group projects (generally satirical skits and parodies) during the semester.  For these projects the class will be divided into five groups of 3 students each.  Every group member is expected to participate in all aspects of the presentation (organizing, writing, rehearsing, and presenting) as both individual and collective grades will be assigned.  Every effort will be made to design relevant and enjoyable assignments, thus your presentations must also be engaging, interactive and fun.  Each group is required to consult with the instructors on the topic of their presentation.  You will also be responsible for contributions to the house newsletter, La Margarita.  For These assignments the class will be divided into three groups of 5 students and each group will write and edit one issue per semester.







2            Introducción a los latinos en los EE.UU. Ideas para el formato de La Margarita

9            Televisión –  American Family “La máquina de coser”

16        Música – La Independencia Mexicana al estilo tejano      Presentación –  Música Tejana

23            Cuentos y folclore – American Family “La Llorona”                  Presentación – La Llorona

30            Deportes – Gol TV                                                            Presentación – fútbol




7          La patria – American Family “El Viaje” / Intro Lotería     Presentación – La patria                  

14        Lotería Chicana                                                                    Presentación – todos

21        Tiras cómicas – La Cucaracha                                        Presentación – caricaturas

28        La muerte – American Family “Ciudadano Cisco”          Presentación – Día de muertos




4          Los Puertorriqueños – La guagua aerea                       Presentación – Guagua aerea

11            Deportes – República Deportiva (Univisión)                            Presentación – Béisbol

18        El idioma –  ¿Qué Pasa U.S.A.?                                   Presentación – el idioma

25            vacaciones – Día de acción de gracias




2          Los dominicanos – Nueba Yol                                       Presentación – Nueba Yol